Options for configuring the ConnectButton
's Details Modal
type ConnectButton_detailsModalOptions = { assetTabs?: Array<AssetTabs>; connectedAccountAvatarUrl?: string; connectedAccountName?: React.ReactNode; footer?: (props: { close: () => void }) => JSX.Element; hideBuyFunds?: boolean; hideDisconnect?: boolean; hideReceiveFunds?: boolean; hideSendFunds?: boolean; hideSwitchWallet?: boolean; manageWallet?: { allowLinkingProfiles?: boolean }; showBalanceInFiat?: SupportedFiatCurrency; showTestnetFaucet?: boolean;};
When you click on "View Assets", by default the "Tokens" tab is shown first. If you want to show the "NFTs" tab first, change the order of the asset tabs to: ["nft", "token"] Note: If an empty array is passed, the [View Funds] button will be hidden
type assetTabs = Array<AssetTabs>;
Use custom avatar URL for the connected wallet image in the ConnectButton
Details Modal, overriding ENS avatar or Blobbie icon.
type connectedAccountAvatarUrl = string;
Render custom UI for the connected wallet name in the ConnectButton
Details Modal, overriding ENS name or wallet address.
type connectedAccountName = React.ReactNode;
All wallet IDs included in this array will be hidden from wallet selection when connected.
Hide the "Buy Funds" button in the ConnectButton
Details Modal.
By default the "Buy Funds" button is shown.
type hideBuyFunds = boolean;
Hide the "Receive Funds" button in the ConnectButton
Details Modal.
By default the "Receive Funds" button is shown.
type hideReceiveFunds = boolean;
Hide the "Send Funds" button in the ConnectButton
Details Modal.
By default the "Send Funds" button is shown.
type hideSendFunds = boolean;
Configure options for managing the connected wallet.
type manageWallet = { allowLinkingProfiles?: boolean };
customize the Network selector shown in the ConnectButton
Details Modal
Configure options for thirdweb Pay.
thirdweb Pay allows users to buy tokens using crypto or fiat currency.
Show the token balance's value in fiat. Note: Not all tokens are resolvable to a fiat value. In that case, nothing will be shown.
type showBalanceInFiat = SupportedFiatCurrency;
Show a "Request Testnet funds" link in ConnectButton
Details Modal when user is connected to a testnet.
By default it is false
, If you want to show the "Request Testnet funds" link when user is connected to a testnet, set this prop to true
type showTestnetFaucet = boolean;
<ConnectButton showTestnetFaucet={true} />;